Brad Wiley
Buy Miriam's Paintings.  My wife Miriam has been painting since she was a kid and has the following acrylic paintings currently for sale. If you'd like to buy one by check, money order or Venmo, or would like to see additional detailed photos reach out to her directly by calling or texting her at 352-440-0479. Or send her an email at
All paintings are ready to hang and are gallery-wrapped. This means that no frame is required as every image is completely painted over the corners and edges.
Staycation. $180 + $20 shipping. 16" x 8" with 1.5" gallery wrap. 
Jupiter-Saturn Mission. $180 + $20 shipping. 8"x17" with 1.5" high gallery wrap.
Mission to Pleiades. $180 + $20 shipping.
16" x 8" with 1.5" high gallery wrap. 
SOLD: On Vacation. $180 + $20 shipping. 16"x 8" with 1.5" high gallery wrap.
Circling Saturn. $150 + $20 shipping. 12" portal. The view from one spaceship out to the universe.
Mission to the Asteroid Belt. $180 + $20 shipping. 8" x 16" with 1.5" high gallery wrap. 
SOLD: Kitty Kaleidoscope. $150 + $20 shipping. 
10" x 10" square with 1.5" high gallery wrap. 
In the Cosmos. $150 + $20 shipping. 
16" x 12" with .5" gallery wrap.
Galactic Adventure. $150 + $20 shipping. 12" x 16" with .5" gallery wrap. 
Through the Milky Way. $200 +$20 shipping. Two panels measure 7" x 14" each with .5" gallery wrap. 14" square diptych. 
Sideways to Saturn. $150 + $20 shipping. 12" square with 1.5" gallery wrap. 
Mission to the Stars. $150 + $20 shipping.12" x 16" with .5"  gallery wrap 
SOLD: Above the Asteroid. $150 + $20 shipping. 12" round portal is the view from the spaceship out to the universe.
SOLD: Mission to Mars  $150 + $20 shipping. 10" x 10" square with 1.5" high gallery wrap. 
Sea to Sky with an Outer Space Fly-by.  $180 + $20 shipping. 8" x 16" with 1.5" high gallery wrap.